Thursday, November 22, 2012

31 Days & a 3-Day Crown

Christmas is just 31 days away! I'm so excited...the best time of the year for sure, although the biggest rip is that Mont starts having to work a ton ((unclaimed)) over time ((since he's part owner, what's the point of claiming overtime)). We miss him every year at this time, dinner together is hit & miss or eaten late all together, but even in spite of that with all the joy from childrens laughter to the feeling of giving & the shimmer of lights against's the most wonderful time of the year for sure!!

Among other things last weekend we did set up Christmas. I love having the house all decked out this early! It makes me happy! I know someone else whose enthralled with all things bright & beautiful!

I got a crown today... made by none other than my own husband and put in by a fantastic dentist! I love having such a great dentist and having the hook ups with the dudes behind the scenes who whip up such beautiful teeth! I only had to tolerate the temp. tooth---which wasn't that pleasant, wasn't awful, just left a lot to be desired---for a whopping 3 days as opposed to the standard 14 most people have to wait. The tooth is beautiful & I love having the art & handi-work of my own talented and super amazing husband in my mouth. I love running my tongue over that perfect tooth he made just for me! It's sooo smooth. And I kinda feel spoiled.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hey that's pretty cool! A piece of art forever in your mouth....made by non other than your other half. Very cool. Forever connected. ; )