Saturday, November 03, 2012

Misty Mornings

 The last few mornings have been super foggy. With the fog, the trees and the rising sun I couldn't pass up the chance to take some gorgeous nature pix on our walk the last few mornings. It's amazing. I love this world for it's beauty and it really amazes me every time that we live here and get to see these views on a regular basis IF we take that chance.


Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

I just got all caught up on your blog! I always love reading about your adventures.
You guys are an amazing family!

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

I just got all caught up on your blog! I always love reading about your adventures.
You guys are an amazing family!

Tyler and Kristin Smith said...

Sorry I commented twice.
Too bad I don't think I can delete it!